Auction catalogues, catalogs, collectable, collectible, post auction catalogs, post-auction catalogs, Art, Beatles, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Furniture, Camera, Toy, Faberge, Haitian, Latin, Lalique, Mission Furniture, Russian, Rock and Roll, Comic Book, Photography, Poster, Scientific, Watch, Jewelry, Wine, Ceramic, Silver, Sinatra, Reference, Christies, Christie's, Christie's International, sothebys, Sotheby's, Sotheby's Catalogs, Sotheby's International, Antique Auction Catalogs, Appraiser Catalogs, Treadway Gallery, Sports Auction, LeLand's Auctions, LeLand's, Decoy, Bonham's, Bourne, Phillips, Roseville, Stickley, Tiffany, Tiffany's, Parke-Bernet, Weschler's, Butterfield's, Sloan, American Art Association, Anderson Art Galleries, Swann Galleries, Hotel Drouot, Lempretz, Houswedell, Faber, Ketterer, Fischer, Dorotheum, BukowskiArts & Crafts, Arts & Crafts, Corkscrew, Americana, Books, Stamps, French Furniture, Americana, American Paintings, Drawings, Prints, Decorative Arts, Sculpture, Folk Art, African Art, Oceanic Art, American Indian, Eskimo, Tribal and Primitive Arts, Antiquities, Arts of Central Asia, South East Asia, India, Indonesia, South Pacific, Latin America, Central America, Spain, Middle East, Germany, Australia, South Africa, Canada, Mexico, Near East, Middle East, Far East, Russia, Arms/Armour, Guns, Swords, Angling, Ship Wrecks, Stamps, Coins, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Secessionist, Fin de Siècle, Posters, Art Glass, Ceramics, Paperweights, Objects of vertu, Fabergé, Snuff Boxes, Miniatures, Pottery, Porcelain, Majoilica, Illustration, Photography, Cameras, Scientific Instruments, Musical Instruments, Cars, Trains, Planes, Carriages, Carousel Art, Theatre, Dance, Film">

Atelier and Artist Auction Catalogues
One artist's work in a catalogue
A lifetime of paintings, sketches, maquettes, doodles, plaster casts, and artist's proofs... all gathered together and put in the back of a lorry to be driven to auction.
Less like sheep. More like orphans.

There are over 1600 different Atelier sales represented
in the following lists. The earliest is from 1865.
The most recent is from last month.
They are waiting for your eyes only.
| A - F | G - N | O - Z |
Atelier Auctions of Multiple Artists
Several artists' work in a catalogue

Individual Catalogues of Single Works of Art
A single work of art in its own catalogue
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What happens to an artist's work and studio effects at the end of a career?

It seems like a simple question.

If the artist is Dali or Picasso or Warhol, a full blown museum (or museums) is established. Foundations are created. Experts are assembled to pass judgment on what is real and what might not be.

In the 19th and through the 20th centuries the public Atelier auction sale became de rigueur. Degas had four sales in four parts and he wasn't even alive. Rosa Bonheur had one in 2 immense volumes that weighed 13 pounds. Meissonier, Marcke, Jacque all joined the Atelier club. In an age long before garage sales, there were Atelier sales.

All those paintings leaning one against the other under the rooftops of Paris... cold and drafty sixth floor attics where models all goose pimply in winter and sweaty in summer posed with bowls of overripe fruit. A cat purring, a mouse eating a crust of stale baguette, an artist wondering if Van Gogh never sold a painting. Such is Art for Art's sake.

But Atelier sales can be more than the overflowing detritus of a lifetime of not selling enough of an over productive genius. Some artists used the Atelier sale to make space in a tight studio for the next project. Some artists just retired, hung up their brushes, and went for long walks to a bar or pub where darts were thrown and bocci balls were tossed. Their families or family lawyers attended to their affairs. Often, the Atelier sale represented a post mortem celebration of an eccentric spirit who saw life differently than the people in the neighborhood.

Included in this remarkable list of remarkable characters is the dedicated collector of all ages who devoted a collection to a single artist. Those singularly focused collections are also here if they were placed in public auctions.

Sometimes a single work of a well known celebrated artist comprises a single auction catalogue. Those catalogues are also well represented.

Just as oaks trees arise from acorns, catalogues raisonné are often rooted in the atelier and studio auction catalogues often neglected by art librarians and art historians.

We offer for purchase the following listed works. In many cases we have multiple copies of each catalogue. Some we have only one.
Order requests will be honored on a first come first served basis.

To order, or for more information, please contact us at:

When ordering please identify each work with the artist's name and catalogue date. Upon confirmation we will accept payment by check, PayPal, or money order.
We do not accept credit cards. Institutions using pro forma purchase orders will be billed with the sent order.

To further the Atelier cause we have included a PDF list compiled by bookseller Andrew Washton. This list is no longer for sale and includes many works not in the present selling lists. Print it out and share it with friends, scholars, and patrons.

Jeffrey Eger

We will be posting additional lists in the coming months.

When ordering please refer to the the artist's name and catalogue date.