Auction catalogues, catalogs, collectable, collectible, post auction catalogs, post-auction catalogs, Art, Beatles, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Furniture, Camera, Toy, Faberge, Haitian, Latin, Lalique, Mission Furniture, Russian, Rock and Roll, Comic Book, Photography, Poster, Scientific, Watch, Jewelry, Wine, Ceramic, Silver, Sinatra, Reference, Christies, Christie's, Christie's International, sothebys, Sotheby's, Sotheby's Catalogs, Sotheby's International, Antique Auction Catalogs, Appraiser Catalogs, Treadway Gallery, Sports Auction, LeLand's Auctions, LeLand's, Decoy, Bonham's, Bourne, Phillips, Roseville, Stickley, Tiffany, Tiffany's, Parke-Bernet, Weschler's, Butterfield's, Sloan, American Art Association, Anderson Art Galleries, Swann Galleries, Hotel Drouot, Lempretz, Houswedell, Faber, Ketterer, Fischer, Dorotheum, BukowskiArts & Crafts, Arts & Crafts, Corkscrew, Americana, Books, Stamps, French Furniture, Americana, American Paintings, Drawings, Prints, Decorative Arts, Sculpture, Folk Art, African Art, Oceanic Art, American Indian, Eskimo, Tribal and Primitive Arts, Antiquities, Arts of Central Asia, South East Asia, India, Indonesia, South Pacific, Latin America, Central America, Spain, Middle East, Germany, Australia, South Africa, Canada, Mexico, Near East, Middle East, Far East, Russia, Arms/Armour, Guns, Swords, Angling, Ship Wrecks, Stamps, Coins, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Secessionist, Fin de Siècle, Posters, Art Glass, Ceramics, Paperweights, Objects of vertu, Fabergé, Snuff Boxes, Miniatures, Pottery, Porcelain, Majoilica, Illustration, Photography, Cameras, Scientific Instruments, Musical Instruments, Cars, Trains, Planes, Carriages, Carousel Art, Theatre, Dance, Film">


ayan Library
We have acquired several collections of books, periodicals, academic papers, exhibition catalogues and auction catalogues relating to Pre-Columbian cultures in the Americas. The areas of archaeology, linguistics, religion, and the arts are particularly strong.

The Mayan Library contains 95% Mayan related materials.
We will be posting additional lists in the coming months.

When ordering please refer to the book and list number as well as the title/author.

| A - F | G - N | O - Z |
To order, or for more information,
please contact us at:

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